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Outreach Team

Outreach Team

The Outreach Team exists to bring the love of Jesus to those outside of the four walls of Impact Church.

What We Do

We are passionate about bringing the good news of Jesus to those in our surrounding communities! We believe firmly in the call that Jesus gave us to love our neighbors and we do this in several ways:

  • Prison & Jail Ministries.

  • Assisted Living Ministries.

  • Love Our City.

Learn More

Prison & Jail Ministry

Currently, Impact Church partners with Handlon Correctional Facility in Ionia, MI where we have our Handlon Campus!

If you’d like to learn more about the Handlon Campus, scroll down to our FAQ section at the bottom of the page!

Love Our City

Love Our City is Impact’s way of heading out into our community and partnering with business leaders and local municipalities with work projects!

If you’d like to learn more about Love Our City, scroll down to our FAQ section at the bottom of the page!

Get Involved

Handlon Campus

We have a campus of our church inside of Handlon Correctional Facility in Ionia, Michigan. Each week we gather as a church and encounter God through worship, scripture and small group conversations.

At Impact we often say, every number has a name, every name has a story, and every story matters to God. This expression takes on new meaning in our Handlon Campus. These men are more than a number. They are men created in the image of God. They have purpose and are advancing God’s Kingdom. They have stories of brokenness as well as redemption and their stories matter deeply to God and to us.

Not only do we have a heart for those incarcerated, but we love and care about those who work within the prisons. Their jobs are not easy and the darkness that they encounter each day takes a toll on their souls and homes. We have people on our team who have a heart specifically for the staff and we are working to create support groups and one on one opportunities for discipleship.

There are lots of ways to get involved in this ministry. The group that goes inside the prison is quite small but beyond that there are lots of opportunities to serve including:

  • Writing cards for holidays
  • Care packages for men as they are released
  • Christmas presents for the families of those incarcerated
  • Caring for MDOC workers and their families
  • Prayer partners

If you are interested in serving in this ministry, send an email to

Father to the fatherless, defender of widows—this is God, whose dwelling is holy. God places the lonely in families; he sets the prisoners free and gives them joy. Psalm 68:5-6

Assisted Living Ministries

We have teams that go into Green Acres, Fountain View, Maple Ridge Manor and Laurels of Kent right here in Lowell. We do a variety of things in the facilities including hymn services, devotional times, Bible studies, one on one visits, crafts and games.

Our team has so much fun as we spend time with these residents, and we also encounter God’s presence in powerful ways. There are multiple times and days (both during the day and evenings) when people go into the facilities.

If you are interested in serving in this ministry, send an email to



What Is The Impact Outreach Team?
The Impact Outreach Team exists to bring the good news of the Gospel outside of the walls of the church into our surrounding communities. This is accomplished through the Handlon Campus, our partnerships with Assisted Living Facilities in the greater Lowell area, and Love Our City projects!
Where Is The Impact Handlon Campus?
The Impact Handlon Campus exists inside of the Richard A. Handlon Correctional Facility in Ionia, Michigan since 2023. We’ve seen numerous lives inside of the prison changed through this ministry as we share how the Gospel frees us from our sin.
What Assisted Living Facilities Does Impact Partner With?
Impact partners with assisted living facilities like Green Acres, Fountain View, Maple Ridge Manor and Laurels of Kent right here in Lowell. We do a variety of things in the facilities including hymn services, devotional times, Bible studies, one on one visits, crafts and games.
Our team has so much fun as we spend time with these residents, and we also encounter God’s presence in powerful ways. There are multiple times and days (both during the day and evenings) when people go into the facilities.
What Is Love Our City?
Since 2011, Impact has been partnering with surrounding businesses, schools, non-profits, and municipal groups through a ministry called “Love Our City”, where we provide service projects to the community.
Since then, thousands of hours have been volunteered to landscape, paint, build, clean, install playground equipment, and much more! This event takes place every year in multiple week-long instances throughout the spring, summer, and fall months.
How Can You Partner With The Impact Outreach Team?
There are lots of ways to get involved in our Prison Ministry. The group that goes inside the prison is quite small, but beyond that there are lots of opportunities to serve including:
  • Writing cards for holidays
  • Care packages for men as they are released
  • Christmas presents for the families of those incarcerated
  • Caring for MDOC workers and their families
  • Prayer partners
If you are interested in serving in this ministry, or our Assisted Living Ministry, send an email to! As for Love Our City, you can visit our Events page to see when upcoming projects are or you can reach out to our Admin Team at